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BobbiJo Swim

Certified Consultant

(763) 923-1092

My Story

My Scentsy Story
In 2006 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor pushing against my left optical nerve👁😳. The doctor said that I needed to take it out right away😰 So I proceeded with the removal of the tumor. Due to taking out the drain tubes too soon it caused multiple strokes on both sides of the brain.🤕 Mind you at the same time I had a 11-year-old daughter 👧and a two-month-old👶🏼 son. It was definitely a struggle to get back to who I am now. I now suffer from chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression, and I can go on and on but I won’t.
I definitely felt defeated but with the help of my family and my friends I conquered it all. I🥰💗I was then put on full disability 🧠and that alone is depressing and someone at the age of 26 I felt alone. I felt that all my hard work of going to college and working as a dental 🦷🪥🪥assistant was a waste of time.
Needless to say my sister introduced me to Scentsy and I got hooked. 🪝I have always searched for a way that I can work and still deal with all my ailments. Scentsy had that for me so I joined Decided to join last August 2018. I have since then found so many different Scentsy sisters 👯‍♀️from all over the world. I feel honored 🏅that I can share my Scentsy life with my friends and family. Scentsy has brought me A sense of family and sisterhood. I finally found something that makes me happy.🥰💗
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and if you have any questions I would be delighted to answer them for you.

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